GESVENTURE Your Venture Catalyst in Portugal

#2 - September, 2005

 » News


7th Gesventure Meeting
Lisbon, Portugal

Venture Capital, Biotechnology and Business Angels
[website] (pt)
presentation] (en)

Hubert Rampersad returns to Portugal with new book

Hubert Rampersad (TPS International) will speak again at Gesventure  Meeting, next 9th November. His most recent book "Personal Balanced Scorecard - The Way to Individual Happiness, Personal Integrity and Organizational Effectiveness" is again dedicated to optimize management models in organizations.

International speakers confirmed

- Claire Munck
  EBAN - European Business Angel Network, Bélgica
- Claude Rameau
  France Angels, França
- Hubert Rampersad
  TPS International, The Netherlands
- Raymund Vorwerk
  BANSON, Alemanha
- Reginald Vossen
  BAN Vlaanderen, Bélgica

» Elevator Pitch opportunity

During 7th Gesventure Meeting, entrepreneurs will have the opportunity to present their projects to the audience and to institutional investors (private sessions). The result of last year's 7th Gesventure Meeting Elevator Pitch is very positive, since 2 companies have raised €755,3 (Space - €330.300; BioTrend - €425.000).

Want to present your business plan to portuguese investors?
E-mail us to:


Francisco Banha

Gesventure, C.E.O.  

How to Develop Business Angels in Portugal
To encourage business angels activity, some Member States introduced tax incentives to stimulate the investment by BA in a more favorable environment to a bigger risk activity. This is even more important to compensate the lack of entrepreneurial spirit and risk aversion in the European societies... [full text]


Venture Capital cooperation between Portugal and China

Portuguese company specialized in venture capital signs unprecedented agreement with similar chinese company.

Gesventure, the main portuguese company specialized in raising capital, have recently signed in Beijing, a Memorandum of Understanding with VCChina (Venture Capital China). To Francisco Banha, CEO of Gesventure, the signed agreement is a result of Gesventure’s international experience in venture capital and intends to work as a bridge for portuguese entrepreneurs to aproach Southwest Asia opportunities...  [press release]

2005 References

Capital Raising:
"type"; "company"; "investor"; "capital raised"
seed; BySat; API Capital; 364.570
start-up; Satellite Newspaper; €485.000
seed; Localiser; PME Investimentos; €480.000
seed; BioTrend; PME Investimentos; €425.000
seed; Gluco Prime; ENERSIS; €175.000

" type"; "company"; "investor"; "capital raised"
F&A; PMS - Fonte Viva; Grupo Nutrinvest

PME Capital anounces investment in 17 companies

PME Capital has announced last 24th August the investment of 17 companies with its venture capital funds in a total amount of €16,4 millions. Projects approved represent a change from previous policies with an higher priority for start-up projects then expansion (3) or aquisition (2).  

This annoucement is similar to the one realised by PME Investimentos in last June, when 13 projects were also approved mostly from seed/ early-stage/start-up stages.

Breakfast Elevator Pitch Sessions give Bysat €365.000.

Michel Amorin and his RED-IF and Mobile Data Registry company is the first project to raise capital after being presented at Breakfast Sessions.

With innovative technology, Bysat is an important tool for city planning as it registers infra-structures like piping, cable networks, foundations and many other usefull information for construction projects.

 » International Partners
 » Contacts

Comments and Sugestions to:
 Luis Galveias (


Gesventure, Lda
tel. +351 21 4416460
fax. +351 21 4417387
address: R. 7 de Junho de 1759, n.º 1; Lagoal; 2760-110 Caxias;