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• Presentation

• Raised Capital

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Estoril - Lisbon
28 October 2007


Francisco Banha, President of Gesventure, S.A.
"In this, yet short, 10 years of life, the Gesventure’s Meetings have been progressively stating themselves – for their own worth – winning acknowledgement and dimension increasingly comprising, through a contribute in the formation of an ecosystem of support to entrepreneurship in Portugal.

These Meetings are already considered a source of inspiration and mobilization for all the Portuguese entrepreneurs. Besides, they have proven to perform a decisive and irreplaceable role in the creation of an environment that potentiates financing in springing firms, i.e., of “opportunity” start-ups.

These Meetings are what is marking the real starting point of important projects that pass through here and that were seeking financing. To the entrepreneurs of those projects, here is were it all started, it was here that their dreams started having shape and it was here that they saw, for the first time, a real possibility of success to reach their aims!

However, and despite its short life, 10 years is a very long time, like the poet said. Effectively, if we translate these 10 years that we already went through, in all the energetic actions and in all the work dedicated, exclusively, to the Portuguese Entrepreneurial Ecosystem, there are no doubts left that were many months, many days and many hours entirely dedicated to young Portuguese with the “creative thinking”, being this the best resource of renewable energy that society can offer.
And, due to that, many projects arrived to Gesventure. In 2007, we received near 400 projects and, this year, in September, we already counted with 300 projects." (...)

Opening Speech

Gesventure’s Meetings are organized since Gesventure’s creation in 1999. This is the 9th edition and, like the previous, its purpose is to straighten up the relations between entrepreneurs and investors, promoting an open dialog and revealing new market opportunities.

This year’s focus will be Entrepreneurship and Venture Capital with a strong emphasis on funding alternatives such as through Business Angels.


Nelson Gray, is the Business Angel of the year according to EBAN - European Business Angels Network, and he wil be a keynote speaker at the X Gesventure Meeting.



Conferences will bring the audience a wide range of national experts on programs and tools that are currently occuring as well as case studies that deserve to be shared. The international element of this event will be brought by several international speakers, most of them from the fund raising area and leaders of projects that are currently looking for capital.

Elevator Pitch
Pitching of 4 to 6 projects is expected during the event as this is already an activity for what Gesventure is known for.

Private Sessions
Each publicly presented project will have the opportunity to be called for a private meeting, at the site, with a sponsoring VC.

Small Business Fair
In parallel to the conferences, a few companies will be able to hold a stand in the coffee break area for promotion.

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